Doug Casey's Take [ep.#80] Bitcoin hits All-Time High. Is it time to buy or sell?

2 years ago

#bitcoin #crypto #crisisinvesting #dougcasey

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00:00:00 Intro
3:04 Bitcoin as a transfer mechanism
5:31 Monero and the other cryptos
9:41 The tulip bubble
13:27 Mississippi Bubble & the South Sea Bubble
17:09 Florida Land bubble
18:42 The 1968 Stock Market Bubble
19:53 Japan Bubble, Dot-com Bubble, Real Estate Bubble and now today
21:08 Is this a genuine Bitcoin Bubble?
23:06 What about a deflationary collapse?
29:06 What's different about the bitcoin market compared to other asset classes?
37:14 Regulations and Bitcoin
40:30 Why do Gold Bugs like Peter Schiff hate Bitcoin?
46:09 Terra Incognita
51:57 A game of chicken

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