Roofer Marketing Solution: The World is your (Marketing) playground

1 year ago

Now I want to talk about this in 2 sections:

1.) For the Commercial Guys:
Have you ever stopped to consider the amount of vertical space that’s not being utilized on even just one of the commercial re-roofing jobs that you’ve done? … Okay, now have you thought about how many other potential properties that owner has and ALL of that potential vertical advertising space that’s not being utilized?? Wondering how to take advantage of it? – Then this video is for you.

2.) For the Residential Guys:
Have you ever wondered how you can better get brand awareness by utilizing uncommon space while still accurately representing our brand.. & potentially doing it in quantity??!
Then this video is for you.

There are a ton of ways your company can be better utilizing vertical platforms in your business’s surrounding areas… the main reason you’re probably not doing it is because, you may have not thought about it.

So here’s me showing you a grey area.. do with it what you will.
& as always, If you’re ready to add a marketing professional to your team – shoot me a DM!


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