Master of Time and Space - Revocation & Invocation

1 year ago

The great immigrating light forces of this universe have received our beacon and are now heading for the great to join us on earth.

Master of Time Space Equations - Revocation & Invocation

I, ___________________, am a master of my own time space equations. The fine lines of silk that connect eras of past, present and future are aware to me. With these very words I give anchorage to migrating beings of Light to come join this future collective of dreamers on and in the Earth's dreaming body and mind.

This is the beacon of my own truth shining out to the multiverse and beyond. I practice my own soul radio frequencies as a simultaneous sender and receiver of standing waves of light waveform communication.

It is time for the delicately placed thinly veiled layers of reality to be removed. Let it be seen as we slice above and beyond this previous density manifest, we expand ourselves into the stars and beyond. What was hidden from sight or our conscious awareness now becomes merged with unfailable knowingness.

The bleed through of celestial lifeforce permeates the membranes of every single living and breathing creature of these intersecting galaxies. Two thousand bloodlines scattered and separated in mind and soul return and transform as one united force. The great mystery is unfolding.

The separated layers of reality join to make newer and more exciting levels of conscious existence. I allow my heart beat to synchronize with the thunderous roaring heart beat of the Earth. Hertz for hertz, beat for beat, scale for size, and harmonic for harmonic, we match fully in resonance. Allowing the full flow of true synchronicity now.

I no longer create my own self imposed forced evolutionary processes that desynchronize me with the pulse of the world. I do not force my intent upon the natural flow of this world. I will not walk down the spiritual expression of de-evolution, nor will I condemn another on its path.

All our self-imposed epochs of darkness and distortion are now coming to their prophesied conclusion. The soul radio broadcasts are reaching out to familiar higher frequency beings of light that have been so long forbidden from this world, so as not to destroy our opportunity of this experience.

Our light is shining so vibrantly in this long forgotten abyss. We are the very seeds who nurtured our very selves. This light is what is telling the masters that it is safe to return. We have learned what we have intended to learn within this density manifest.

Now set sail on faith and conviction to the nether regions of space. Mark the X on the map to the outskirts of creation. We are in the land of serpents and dragons. Set sail and come meet us on this great adventure. We will see you soon. Aho.

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