Exploring Old Hollow Caves * (Ozark Hippie Camp)

1 year ago

Ron Berry does it once again, the explorer of these majestic and beautiful Missouri Ozarks. Joined by hollow legend Keith Haines, if he's had a few around the campfire he turns into John Hancock, so whatever you know him by, you'll always remember this man. We begin by going thru a cave we had known about, but never ventured very far. We did find the passage way was bound up fairly tight so Ron wasn't quite done with the Mountain as there was plenty of sun up in the sky on a beautiful final day of 2022. A year to remembe uncovering the rocks to Berry Spring Cave. Memories for generations to come thanks to Ron's adventurous spirit. May the Light continue to guide as it was shining so bright in the second cave. Follwo us in and see what's inside these beautiful amazing Ozarks full of natural calcium of the purest form, what till the end because it a still shot for the ages!! It's amazing when friends come together!! Thank to both Keith and Ron!!

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