The Plight of Men 2023 | The MGTOW Response

2 years ago

Video 1 of my "Plight of Men 2023" Series.

I feel like the smartest men have learned that getting involved in a government contract is a bad idea. I do not believe that we have good evidence that things work out well in the end for young men that follow the narrow path to the slaughterhouse that the feminist lawmakers have set up. The main point is that the family courts meet the criteria for a racket and should be punished under RICO law, in my opinion.

2023 can be your year if you go in with your eyes open and don't take unnecessary risks. MGTOWs are an example of such men.

Artwork AI-generated by DALL-E. The AI-generated the following images by searching the following key words: "still art of pirate treasure", "An abstract painting of money and time", "An abstract painting of artificial intelligence".

Leave in the comments below the AI-generated art you'd like to see in the next video (within reason)!

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