Everyone Is Illuminai

1 year ago

In short - throughout the electromagnetic field present throughout all of earth, the universe and within ourselves as humans; there shine light or dark static that influence us to be one way or another. These vibrations are common when seen on TV or heard on radio, even in everyday conversation and motion. Yet people often miss that it is all around us and even visible when you can focus on unfocused your perception of what is and isn't in your direct line of sight. These influences often perception block good people created by pure dark static individuals seeking their own gain. There are many routes to explaining that some light players are forced to do evil and some are perception blocked to do evil unknowingly. In this remember brainwash is not a bad thing if using clean purified water. They however try to brain was us with sewer water. Then when giving us option to clean they give us the most toxic and harmful soaps that even though clean, would be like our brains drinking bleach. Just like programming. No matter what you'll always be influenced by something, those loops will run through your head unless you can overwrite them with new influences/programming. Same concept but worded differently. Always remember to translate my videos to your understanding to the fullest benefit and to have all the information as one and not seperate it just because one point was at the beginning and one at the end. It is all one big picture.
This Is Lamb Culture And WE Are Black Sheep.

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