#shorts ⚡Tau is decidable.

2 years ago

🔥 TML (Tau Meta Language) solves Turing Complete Machine (programming language like Solidity of Ethereum) undecidability problems.

💎The following program does 6 steps and returns to the state where it initially started.
🔴TML has to stop and outputs: unsat.
♾️Not stopping would cause an infinite loop.

toggle :- true.
~toggle :- true.

🚩Error: unsat (contradiction).

⚡Tau, the software built for people.


🧀Test it.
🔗 tml.idni.org
📄Abstract: Draft for Community Review
😼Published codes
🔗 github.com/IDNI/TML
🌐Website of tml
🔗 tau.net/
👨‍🏫Tutorial Videos of TML
✈️Telegram community
🤖Reddit community

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