1.1.2023: Knowing Him

1 year ago

Knowing Him
Pastor Matt Haflett
Acts 4:7-13

1. What we see
• A historical account of Peter and Paul healing through the power of Jesus.
• Standing up for their faith in Jesus.
• Preaching truth.
• Biblical revelation.

2. Two ways to spend time with God.
• His Word reveals who He is and reveals to us who we are and how He sees us.
• Reading His word alone is not enough.
• He wants us to communicate with Him through Prayer. (Micah 6:8).

3. We must not ignore either path.
• A strong relationship with God includes both His Word and prayer.
• Prayer and the Bible do not need to be separate activities.
• A strong relationship with God is a necessity for us. (John 15:4-5)

4. Application
• Pray while in the Word. Ask God to open your mind to better understanding scripture. Pray for the words you read as you read them.

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