Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, on Safety Data Pointing to "signals of harm".

1 year ago

Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, on Safety Data Pointing to "signals of harm".

On the Safety Data, Dr Ladapo makes these comments and more….

“They found there was an increased risk of cardiac death in young men”
“Just a few weeks ago, a study was published in the journal Vaccine that found a serious adverse event rate of around 1 in 800 with the covid mRNA vaccines that exceeded their estimate for any benefits in terms of at least covid hospitalization prevention.”

“Another study looking at Israel data found a correlation between these rollouts of the covid-19 vaccines and acute cardiovascular events in young people”

“In Scandinavia, well if you look in the appendix of that study, you’ll find things like, an increased risk of inter cerebral haemorrhage by a factor of over 110%”

“For whatever reason, individuals are so attached to what they believe the truth has to be, the data doesn’t matter but it does matter to Florida, and it matters to me and nothing is going to change that.”

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