Ancient Evil Uses Young Human Bodies To Transfer To And Live Forever | The Privilege Movie Review

1 year ago

Ancient Evil Uses Young Human Bodies To Transfer To And Live Forever | The Privilege Movie Review

movie name 📛 the Privilege part 1


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the Privilege movie explained

the Privilege movie review

the Privilege movie recaps


movie short summary

the Privilege movie is a German horror-thriller drama. The Privilege Leading the cast is Dark's Max Schimmelpfennig as a young man named Finn who witnessed the death of his older sister when he was just a boy.
Now, as a teenager attending an elite and mysterious private school, supernatural events begin to haunt him and his friends. It's up to Finn to figure out what is plaguing their community.
As we delve into exactly what is in those pills, and who is behind the creepy happenings, we're going to hit some spoilers,
movie opens with Finn as a young boy being reluctantly babysat by his older sister Anna while his parents take their other sister Sophie out to an event. Finn hears strange growling noises and goes to Anna's room to find her wielding a knife, bleeding from the mouth and claiming something is after them.
She grabs Finn and they get into the car but come to a stop on a bridge where Anna insists the only way to stop the 'thing' from hunting them is to jump – which she does and tries to pull Finn with her by his ankle. Not wanting to die, Finn kicks her to let go and she falls to her death.
As a teenager, Finn, who attends regular psychiatric appointments, is a shy and slightly awkward student but not without friends, in particular his best friend Lena (Lea van Acken). The two head to a party hosted by a popular boy named Leander, who is dating Samira – the girl Finn has a crush on, who also happens to be his psychiatrist's daughter.
At the party, Finn takes a drug that makes him hallucinate that everyone is covered in blood and that Lena is hooking up with Samira. After the party, Finn visits his dying former-pastor grandfather in the hospital, asking him if he believes in the supernatural, which his grandfather says yes he does after having 'healed' a young boy via an exorcism.


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