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Be Reckless for GOD!

2 years ago

Be Reckless For GOD! / 1123BeRecklessForGOD

I read “My Utmost For His Highest” by Oswald Chambers’, Pg. 170, June 18th, Published by Barbour and Company, 1935 /1963, “DON’T THINK NOW, TAKE THE ROAD”. This is about Peter walking on the water with Jesus. He speaks of when God speaks to you, for you to be reckless and listen. Then I go to TELL about a dream I had like Joseph had I as being told was reckless. When Joseph told his dream, he was reckless, by telling his brothers, and this got him thrown into slavery. Shared is the trouble possible, and the reward possible if you know GOD. Be Reckless, for God is good, so listen. Happy New Year 2023! (8 minutes)


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