Lorne Lanning OddWord SoulStorm | Blames Playstation for Ruining his Company

2 years ago

OddWord Lorne Lanning Blames Playstation
Lorne Lanning made the biggest mistake a small independent studio can make. He was struggling financially on ALL fronts. Employees were unpaid, he was in debt dark clouds followed him since he started the OddWorld brand.
But he HAD to get his game out no matter what. So he decides to go the stupidest route, TO GIVE HIS GAME AWAY FOR FREE!
Sony gave him the money he needed to get his game out. Within release Millions of copies were downloaded.
What was your plan to make your money back Lorne? Did you have DLC? NO. Did you have Micro Transactions? NO! NOTHING! You gave away a 50$ game for free with ZERO way of making money off your product after release! How Stupid can you be?
If he had any common sense he would have sold the game at a discount of 25%. Then at least he would have made some money of of his employees labor. God I hope he was at least able to pay his staff with the money Playstation gave him.
But it does not end there, Now Lorne Lanning is blaming Playstation for his financial situation. No Loren, YOU are 100% at fault & you are the stupidest game developer out there. You had nothing in place to make money.

#PlaystationPlus #OddWorld #LorneLanning #SoulStorm

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