Putin's Warning: How West is Using Ukraine to Destroy Russia | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Latest Reports | "Putin's Warning: How West is Using Ukraine to Destroy Russia" | #shorts #news

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday delivered a nine-minute New Year's address, the longest of his 22 years in power. "The West lied about peace...It was preparing for aggression...and now they are cynically using Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia," said Putin. "Together, we'll overcome all difficulties...We will triumph, for our families and for Russia," he added.

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#RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #NewYearsAddress #WestLiedAboutPeace #Aggression #Ukraine #WeakenSplitRussia #TogetherWeWillOvercome #Difficulties #Triumph #Families #Russia #newslive #bbcnews

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