Gross violation of Human Rights, Civil Liberties & Medical Ethics since 2020.

2 years ago

There has been serious violation of medical ethics, human rights , health crisis and civil liberties since 2020. More than 10 million patients are on the waiting list, 65% patients have gone privately. Is government planned to privatise NHS since 2020 .

People wait 12-24 hours in A/E to see a doctor and waiting time to see a specialist is 9-12 months which is not acceptable when NHS is paid by public money not by the Federal government .
Face to Face appointments with GP is not possible .
The medical establishment, Medical Regulator and Health Professionals are accountable to violation of the human rights . They are answerable to public for their wishful deceit, unjust and disasters in the health, education, economy, civil rights and wellbeing.

I have invited SAGE ( Scientific Advisory Group of Emergencies ) of the U.K. to join me in a public debate the way the public fundamental rights ,civil liberties , human rights , medical ethics and health system to be ate with me on any public TV Chanel of their choice !
Public would determine who has been responsible for all , who is right and who has done the gross error of judgement resulting in major atrocities to the people ?

Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil
General, Colorectal, Breadt & Laparoscopic Surgeon U.K.
chairman WDA & Global Medical Organisation

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