3 toxic behaviors that destroy relationships

2 years ago

3 toxic behaviors that destroy a relationship

One, Stonewalling.

This occurs when the listener completely withdraws and refuses to contribute to the conversation usually in the middle of a heated discussion.

If this happens aim to communicate without blaming and give the conversation room to breathe.

Two, Contempt.

This usually shows up as belittling comments, demeaning language and nasty nonverbal gestures.

If on the receiving end of this, communicate how it makes you feel and set boundaries.

And if you are on the giving side, aim to explore the resentment you may feel towards the other person.

Three, Hostile Criticism.

Hostile criticism often shows up in remarks like “you never listen to me” or “you're always late”.

This is a lose-lose situation.

Aim instead to say something like: “I feel like you never listen to me? Could we have a chat about this?”

#relationships #relationshipadvice #relationship

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