If This NYC Apartment is SO GREAT… Why Is It Empty?

2 years ago

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This Loft seems perfect! Its got an unbeatable layout with a HUGE living room and Floor-to-Ceiling Windows. There’s also a roof deck and every amenity you could want for a big nyc apartment. There’s no place like this for the same price anywhere in New York City. Check out this nyc apartment tour and let me know what you think!

Email Aldo for more info! aldo.fleurantin@compass.com

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[Camera] https://amzn.to/3zjcfhf
[Lens] https://amzn.to/3nDnixl
[Handheld Tripod] https://amzn.to/3iUp3Ex
[Full Size Tripod] https://amzn.to/3cp2sty
[Lights] https://amzn.to/3izy3ic

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