Song for Kirk 2014

2 years ago

This is an original written for a dear friend who passed away in 2014. His whole family have been dear friends as well. They asked me if I would do the eulogy for him. I was humbled, honored, and totally out of my comfort zone...This song came to me a couple days later.

Kirk and I didn't always get to see each other very often. But when we did it was as if we'd been around each other everyday. Without fail we'd mimic each other, finish each others thought in perfect timing, and make a reference to a mind-set that we always would look forward to. We also either agree on a topic OR get into an avid yet always friendly debate and banter.

He played guitar as well which meant we'd both look forward to a jam session.. I was better. However, later on it would turn toward pool - Kirk was always better and win. Sometime he'd let me rack up some pants. Always 9 Ball. He was always so supportive of me being able to teach for a living.

Kirk was in a horrible car accident in the prime of his life. His career was on full throttle. He helped edit and produce 2 soaps in New York. Was on track to have a screen play turned into a major motion picture... Then his whole life changed. Years later after the accident when he passed, I lost my best friend from my youth... praying that I'll see him again...

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