What's Wrong with the Landlord and Tenant Board???

2 years ago

What's Wrong with the Landlord and Tenant Board???

Everyone is so wrong about the Judicial System that controls the Landlords and Tenants Rights Worldwide!!

The fact that you can't evict tenants, and the strategies used by the judicial system that has the final say when a tenant can get evicted, or they can continue to live in your property without paying rent and destroying your property. This is not only happening in Canada, it's happening worldwide.

BlackRock buying up thousands of single family dwellings
pay double what a home buyer can pay. This is occurring worldwide. There is a movement with the new world order that states that you will be happy owning nothing.

#realestatemedianewsnetwork, #mariarekrut, #allthingsrealestate

If you think this isn't true then you need to look at the World Economic Forum website and read through their meetings or look on my FB page Real Estate Media News Network for one video about Justin Trudeau. It explains everything. LISTEN CLOSELY TO WHAT IS BEING SAID AND THE FAR REACHING POWER OVER TRUDEAU AND HIS CABINET!! https://www.facebook.com/10186044.../videos/307619754785010/ WE ARE LIVING IN DANGEROUS TIMES!!

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