1 year ago

The New Mexico courts are listed on Dun & Bradstreet "doing business for profit," yet they post their mission statement on their website claiming to uphold the national and New Mexico State Constitutions, bringing "justice for all" and swearing their oath of office to uphold both Constitutions. Their actions are in conflict with the court’s mission statement and their sworn oaths, apparently meaning nothing to these elected officials. They commit perjury and therefore, commit fraud upon the Courts when they violate our Constitutionally secured rights. If they supported their sworn oath, they would uphold our Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Without justice we have courts run by tyrants, who behave as criminals. Judges who perjure their oaths of office, and war against the supreme Law of the Land, the national Constitution, to which ALL judges MUST swear an oath to not only uphold in order to take a position as a judge, are attempting to rewrite our RIGHTS. Are we allowing this to happen?

Our sovereign rights are our duty and responsibility to assert and uphold. We are free because we stand sovereignly. No man rules over us. That is a master slave system, the "legal system" which is what these courts present today--the master over man, while hiding behind their mission statement and oath of office pretending to be courts of justice.

ONLY God is over us. Our God-given rights, our birthrights, our sovereign rights to be free, are not in the hands of mere mortals. They are in our hands. The hands of free men and women. Without each and every one of us standing strongly, asserting our freedom before all odds, we lose these freedoms. The masters are there to claim their victories. Let us continue to show our true grit and stand in strength and courage, en mass, because any other stance is on our knees as slaves to the masters.

Are your lawfully secured rights in the Constitution being upheld by the judicial system when you approach the Courts? Are you able to find redress of grievances, as guaranteed in the 1st Amendment? Are the Courts protecting your rights to be protected, safe and secure on your property from anyone encroaching your property, your family, or you? Or are your rights being trumped by the "legal" system of state statutes, rules, regulations, rules, presumptions, assumptions, opinion, hearsay? This latter situation is the unlawful system of racketeers doing business for profit.

Become educated in the Constitution and what your rights are. Stand for them. Hold the Courts subject to their own mission statement, to uphold our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. If not us, then who? We have the power to take back our Courts. Let us join in with the Brunson brothers and assert our rights, today!

Education in standing in your Constitutionally guaranteed sovereign rights with Jack and Margy Flynn:

10 Part Series on the Constitution:

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"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading".
Oswald Chambers

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