Jesus Speaks Of Coming Storms

2 years ago

The Second coming of Jesus Christ is the future event that all Christians long for. Apart from this drastic occasion, the Christian can never be truly satisfied to the fullest. We are blessed. We are empowered. We enjoy the gift of life and all that it contains. Yet, we are not perfectly content until the moment arrives when we see our King. This is the blessed hope of the Christian life, and it will not be denied us. Having said that, before Jesus returns, things will become very dark on planet earth. In this next section of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesies some very dark storms which must arise before He returns. These events will shake the planet in ways that Jesus declared would be the worst days humanity has ever experienced. Why is it important that we understand these things? So we may be prepared in heart, mind, spirit and soul for them when they occur. Be sobered as we learn about the coming storms and how to be ready for them.

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