King Charles to hand New Year Honour to royal aide who called Meghan Markle a 'bully'

1 year ago

Jason Knauf has been made a Lieutenant of the Illustrious Victorian Request four years after he messaged Sovereign William's
then confidential secretary blaming Meghan for "harassing two PAs out of the family"
Jason Knauf has been made a Lieutenant of the Illustrious Victorian Request (RVO) Ruler Charles will hand Another Year Distinction to

the regal helper who called Meghan Markle a harasser.

Jason Knauf has been made a Lieutenant of the Imperial Victorian Request (RVO) to perceive his administrations to the illustrious family.

Knauf worked for Meghan and Harry for a long time and later the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

He finished his profession with the imperial family as CEO of William and Kate's Illustrious Establishment,
venturing down toward the finish of 2021.

Praises inside the RVO are in the Ruler's gift and are gave freely of Bringing down Road to individuals who
have served the ruler or the imperial family in an individual manner.
Meghan has exhaustingly prevented all claims from getting tormenting

While working for the couple as their correspondences secretary in October 2018, Knauf messaged his interests about Meghan to William's
then confidential secretary in a clear endeavor to drive Buckingham Castle to safeguard staff.

As per The Hours of London, the illustrious press secretary messaged Simon Case in 2018 griping that Meghan was "harassing" junior staff in the castle.

"I'm exceptionally worried that the Duchess had the option to menace two PAs out of the family in the previous year
," he wrote to Case, after first raising worries with Samantha Carruthers, the head of HR, the Times said.

"The Duchess appears to be resolved to continuously having somebody in her sights," he proceeded.
Lord Charles has passed out his New Year Praises

"She is harassing Y (name eliminated) and trying to subvert her certainty."

He added forebodingly, "I stay worried that nothing will be finished."

Meghan's lawful group have in the past arduously denied the charge.

Sovereign Harry apparently met with Knauf and beseeched him not to proceed with the grumblings
, a case that Ruler Harry has denied.

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