JUAN O SAVIN- The Road Ahead? THE CULT Technocracy? - Blessed2Teach *clipped* 12 28 2022

2 years ago

The Numbers and Social Media take this program to the next level. We are looking at corruption that has sucked the life out of our very means of Communications. Google, Facebook and many of those "captured" operations were started with our own three letter agencies. Where do we go? Can we clean this up in time to stop the new order, the controllers have used against us? Or will we prevail? So many have lost so much and we have had no choice, no voice, no way to get this on our side FOR THE PEOPLE? Is YOUR LIFE ENERGY being drained off? Our TAX money was drained off our whole LIVES. The future of the Country depends on us breaking free from this Tholian Web.

BLESSED2TEACH is having censorship overtake them right now. Please visit Ricks site and help out if you can. Rick always does a PRAYER at the End of his programs.

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