Murray Sabrin: What Entrepreneurs Do When The Yield Curve Inverts

2 years ago

To what extent should entrepreneurial businesspeople concern themselves with macro-economic variables? At E4B, our point of view is: not much. We don’t believe you can fully trust the data, we don’t believe you should put much credence in the interpretations of it, and we encourage businesses to concentrate on serving customers and generating value.

We made an exception this week to discuss the phenomenon of the inverted yield curve, because it might, conceivably, have some immediate effect on businesses and their customers. We talked with Dr. Murray Sabrin, author of Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide.

Show notes:

Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide by Murray Sabrin:

"Financial Capital Options For Businesses at All Stages" (PDF):

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