Garage DC Power Distribution Board

2 years ago

Time to make a power distribution panel for the garage and 24V DC freezer This board has a DC power meter and fuse block for 24VDC power and also feeds a 24V - 12V DC step down converter and fuse block to power the 12V loads in the garage. This will help to take the load off the existing 20 amp 12V power supply that will now only feed the rest of the house.

It expands on the original 12V power system installed some 9 years earlier that had an electrical box cut into the wall that feeds power in from the attic. This is installed under a storage shelf and has worked flawlessly during that time.

Using a PZEM-051 DC power meter:

12/24V DC fuse blocks:

12V Buck Converter:

Meter enclosure:

This project has taken over a year to complete, so videos have been shot at various times over that period.

More to come...
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