How To Make ANY Girl Like You| Attractive Men

2 years ago

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💥 How to overcome nice guy habits and turn any girl you like into your girlfriend
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watch this space for our surefire methods of gaining the affection of any woman.

Try something new: 00:35
If you have a crush on someone but are afraid to admit it to them, try asking them out. Take them on a study date or ask them over for a movie marathon to show your interest. When they perceive your interest, they could reciprocate it and things will start to work out.

Use oblique hand motions: 01:07
When you see someone in the hall, compliment their attire or give them a kind wave. Keep the flirting going through text or Snapchat after class. Asking a question, sending a joke or congratulating them on a recent sporting victory are all examples.

Invest time on them, but avoid becoming crazy. 01:32
It's important to spend time with your crush without coming on too hard. Don't waste the opportunity to show them how amazing you are by only lusting after them from afar. You'll be able to get to know each other better during your alone time, which might lead to romantic feelings.

Listen: 01:59
You should engage your crush with questions and stay interested in what they have to say. Sending a text wishing them well on an exam can go a long way in their eyes. Don't scroll through TikTok on your phone while they tell you about their siblings.

Discover the interests of your potential sweetheart. 02:22
Determine a person's passions if you want to "truly" know them. If you find out that the person you have a love on volunteers at Planned Parenthood, you may ask them what pulls them to the organisation or even suggest that the two of you volunteer together. By probing them on topics they care about, you may learn more about who they are as a person and deepen your connection with them.

Create meaningful eye contact: 02:46
If you're on a date with someone who ignores you, make eye contact with them all the time. Don't stare at them as they stuff their face, but pay attention to them when they're chatting. You'll look more confident and certain when you establish eye contact.

Please don't play games with my head. 03:20
Try not responding to their texts, or ignoring them, or making them envious. Don't exert any more thought into it. One of you may be wounded, so there's no use in trying. Consider our word as authoritative.

Just be you: 03:48
If you try to impersonate someone else in order to win over your crush, you're screwed if they really come to adore that person instead of the real you. You want your crush to like YOU, not a version of you that you're trying to be.

Exhibit your sense of fashion. 04:17
It's crucial to be genuine in your appearance when meeting new people. Don't assume they'll enjoy your choice of clothes simply because it's popular at the moment. A simple method to convey some of your individuality is to don a t-shirt of your favourite band.

Relax, your phone can wait: 04:39
Don't waste time on TikTok FYPs and group conversations; instead, focus on your crush. Engage them in conversation by questioning them. Discuss your interests in reading and writing, as well as your hopes and aspirations. They are the object of your affection and hence deserve it.

Avoid forcing people to talk to you. 05:15
There's no need to rush through the beginning stages of a new relationship. It's OK to be honest and upfront with your infatuation, but you shouldn't put too much pressure on the relationship. While the experience of "word vomit" is quite real, it's best to allow certain topics to arise organically in discussion.

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💥Turn Hot Girls on FAST:Get our Instant-Seduction 37.99$ e-book for Just🎯3.99💲

🤑 Proven method to reach financial freedom FAST ( Starting From Scratch )

💥 How to overcome nice guy habits and turn any girl you like into your girlfriend

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