Nov 25, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Increase is on the Way, but not your Accomplishment counts, rather...

2 years ago

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Increase is on the Way, but not your Accomplishment counts, but rather…

November 25, 2015 – Message from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord’s blessing is with us, Heartdwellers. I’ve had a few days of feeling like I’ve been walking through molasses; it’s just been so tough. And, I know a few of you other folks have had that same issue. It’s been very dry and very laborious, very difficult. The Lord addressed that today and gave us a promise of increase on our way. This is a happy message! He also explains the reasons for the dry, laborious part, too. After worship I said to Him… ‘Oh, Lord, I have grown weary.’

(Jesus) “I know you have, Clare. Just be patient with Me, My sweet angel.”

(Clare) Why, Lord, have I gotten this way?

(Jesus) “It is a trial of suspended grace, a time to press in without the perks, without the warm fuzzies, knowing that you are under My loving gaze, whether you feel it or not. You have been here many times before, My Love – and we made it through. You will make it through this time, too. It is almost over. Do you know there are souls coming to Me because of your sacrifice?”

(Clare) I wouldn’t be surprised, Lord. You make use of everything.

(Jesus) “Well, there are. Don’t be disheartened.”

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for telling me. What do you have for us Heartdwellers today?

(Jesus) “I am the Lord of increase. My Brides, when I see how diligently you labor to fulfill My every wish, how can I not increase you in all the things that matter?

“Many of you have labored with little or no results. Much of what you shall be rewarded with remains hidden. However, the time is coming when increase will overtake you while you are running the race. I know some of you, including this precious Bride, have grown weary and had to push themselves to go on. I know the work seems overwhelming, I know the opposition you face better than even you know. I know the weariness of body and soul and it is time for blessings to overtake and rejuvenate you.

“I am not blind to your struggles, dear ones – have I not labored along side you? I have many times lifted you up into My arms and carried you, just so you could keep going. But with each new grace and each new level there are new trials designed to harden you off and give you the spiritual stamina necessary for what lies before you.

“Remember always that you do best in water over your head, when you don’t even know how to swim. I say this because I want you to rely totally on Me and not size up the task before you, comparing it to your gift. No, I would not open doors and give you increase if I were not standing by with all the graces you need to meet new challenges. Trust Me with this.

“I want you to be excited with the work, but that is not always possible. Sometimes the work must become boring without emotionality, and laborious. Sometimes it feels like a sprint as you cross the finish line in first place. Other times it feels like a trek across the Sahara, as you barely make it over the finish line in last place. True, that is lack luster, but necessary that you do not become attached to the work and begin to derive more pleasure in accomplishments than being in My presence.

“Do you know the dangers here? Yes, accomplishment becomes an addiction, a god, determining your self-worth in your eyes. You begin to wake up every morning to new challenges – rather than to Me. So, these dry times are so very necessary to keep you detached and focused on pleasing Me.

“What does it matter what you have accomplished if it has not made Me happy with you? And what does it matter if you crawl across the finish line only to see My beaming smile focused on you, in gratitude and appreciation that you ran the race for Me, with nothing else in mind?

“You see your value is entirely determined by what is most precious – and that is My shed blood. Nothing in this universe has more value than that. No one can accomplish anything coming close to what was done on Calvary, and it was done for you, and it is your own possession – your very own possession.

“I want you to rest in that, not in what you accomplish. Yes, I want you to be happy and uplifted by what you do for others in My place, I want you to receive the joy on that face because you went out of your way to honor them and do My will. That is a precious, precious reward, one that will be reviewed in Heaven some day and give you great pleasure.

“But I do not want accomplishment to become a lifestyle; rather obedience, thanksgiving and worship, these are the most highly valued virtues. Be encouraged, increase is on the way and once again you will find joy in the work that lies before you.

“I am with you in all things, and when you feel that you cannot go any further, that’s when I lift you up into My arms, and carry you across the finish line.”

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