The Whistle Blowers Whistle Blower - Epstein, Clintons, Breitbart...

2 years ago

This week’s guest on Blunt Force Discussion is an Undercover Journalist that we keep hidden because of the work he does. We did a digital episode this week where we talked about all of the off limits topics… that is the reason I won’t be putting it up on YouTube. A bit too hot for that platform.

Under Cover Investigative Journalist (AKA UCIJ) was a really interesting interview, all the way from his career working in Hollywood, to being a police officer back over 2 decades ago. He also has the details on what is on Epstein’s list.

Some of what you’ll hear may seem impossible, improbable, conspiratorial…etc. We talk about the information he compiled regarding the 2o2o elect*on (another reason why I can’t put it up on YT).

I’m going to let this episode do the speaking for itself…we talk about suspicious deaths, potentially planned deaths…Clinton family ties. We talked about informants that all “committed suicide.” So many things… just so many things. I’ll leave it here for everyone.

We did this interview prior to the Elon drop and honestly … he nailed it. We talked about the death of prominent figures like Andrew Breitbart and much more. If you enter this rabbit hole you will be shocked at what you might find. You will not want to miss this episode.

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