We fix the bus, College Visits our Store, English Game, Youth Program...

2 years ago

Sorry guys, not our greatest video, but most of the content I think you will enjoy. I didn't do such a great job editing, and some of our activities we didn't get on video, just photos--so sorry about that. I will try to better next time.
I really wanted to get video on cutting Lady's and Orissa's hair. I thought I did a pretty good job. I'll try and see if Githa got any clips and share in a future video.
We put a priority to fix our bus because we thought we could transport some avocados to Jakarta for the village of Candra and create a win win for our ministry and the local farmers, but money and time became a limiting factor. But we still got important work done on the bus. We'll get it ready for next harvest, and or building our future multi-purpose building. We'll use the bus to haul cement and other building materials. Our bus is rated for 16 passengers plus the driver and more than five metric tons of cargo!
We're hoping to raise $1500 to buy five acres of land, then we can start building.

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