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#317 A year of loses and lessons with Taha from the Crew Men group

2 years ago

Here we are, the last show of 2022, we have been fortunate enough to record 141 new shows and we posted 109 shows.  Expect those numbers to increase for 2023.


For our last show we have a very special episode, and this one show will tug at your hearts, it was a difficult one to record and I had no idea what Taha was going to share.  There are many lessons in this one show, and I thank Taha for strength to open up like this.   

In this special episode, Taha Hussain from Crewmen Group joins us to talk about his year of losses and lessons.

Taha shares the story of his difficult year, including the theft of his excavator and the loss of his father.

We discuss the importance of letting go of anger and learning to ride the wave in tough times.

Thank you to Taha and the entire Crewmen Group for sharing their story with us. You can find Crewmen Group on Instagram at @crewmengroup and contact Taha at crewmengroupinc@gmail.com for your next project.

Thank you to everyone who has recently purchased a copy of Manny's first book, "The Amabel Letters." You can find out how to purchase a paperback or ebook copy at www.theamabelletters.com, on TikTok and Pinterest at @the_amabel_letters, and on Instagram at @_the_amabel_letters. Direct questions and inquiries to info@theamabelletters.com, and don't forget to leave a review!

Connect with The Construction Life Podcast by texting Manny at 416 433-5737 or emailing him at manny@theconstructionlife.com. Be sure to include your name if you have a question you'd like him to answer on the show.

If you have something to add to the conversation, email info@theconstructionlife.com to schedule a date and time to join us in studio.

The Construction Life Podcast is dedicated to giving back to the construction industry.

Construction industry, construction life, construction podcast, Taha Hussain, Crewmen Group, excavator, loss, lessons, anger, construction industry, The Amabel Letters, book, paperback, ebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, questions, inquiries, review, text, email, studio, giving back


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