The NEW Virus Fear based Brave New World

2 years ago

The NEW Virus Fear based Brave New World
Folks, please find time to listen to this "subliminal messages" in this clip. No wonder it is in JewishTube!

Anyway, I beg to differ. My argument is the Brave New World Huxley predicted, had come decades ago at the end of the 20th century. The planet Earth now has been under the NEW Virus Fear based Brave New World, which rules with psychological deception, fear, and brute force as we all have been witnessing since the beginning of "covid lockdown."

Within this Covid operation, the population have been deliberately divided not only by skin colors (BLM, Proud Boys, White Resistance, CRT ect ), nationalism (China, Russia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Taiwan etc) but also by make-believe genders (lbgqt+ etc) , all of which are designed to pit people against one another. Divide to rule always works, and works well! Just surf around online, and you will see!

This Virus-NWO has total control over every aspect of human life between and within borders! The whole social sciences (economics, politics, history etc) natural sciences (medicine, virology, technology, physics, chemistry, archaeology etc) have become tools to indoctrinate, to poison, and to mind-control the whole population with make-believe “knowledge”, past, present, and future.

One of the main weapon the governments/rulers have employed to usher and operate this The NEW Virus Fear based Brave New World is the non-existent virus that allows the rulers to use their bio-weapon i.e "vaccine" to control and to dispose/cull the population at will.

Those who know, understand, resist, and expose this crime have been isolated, labeled "terrorists" and will sooner or later be crushed with brute force.

Our current New Brave New World is based on make-believe "virus fear " and real governmental brute force right on people’s face WITHOUT pretense at all!

As we have seen, this Covid Operation has been a great success beyond even the perpetrators' expectation! Just look around you! Only three years and we now live in a totally different planet, a planet of happy guinea pigs and happy slaves!

For those who still cherish freedom more than anything else, the ONLY solution is to rise up and fight back to get rid of this statist system. The system of corruptive power that enables the tiny minority of crooks and psychopaths to rules over the rest humankind with such ease.
Without this destructive anti-liberty anti-human system, no one can rule over the others. Without the system of government authority that people believe and obey, no global crime against humanity can ever be carried out at all.

Without the system of government authority that people believe and obey, those psychopaths such as Gates, Shwab, and their WEF and all the so-called political leaders and their masters, the Talmudic Cabal are just a tiny bunch two bit thugs who would have never dared to do anything bad to us, since THEY know that we can take them out at once if they somehow retardedly dare!

Folks, I forgot to mention that Aldous Huxley would never think in his "brave new world" in which all the intelligentsia in all fields of knowledge especially Medicine and Law would swallow the "fact" that someone is run over by a truck or shot dead is officially declared "death by / or with Covid". Aldous Huxley's Brave New world would not imagine that "intellectuals" and medical "experts" studied and even found with "scientific evidences" that "unvaccinated persons would risk traffic crashes"

Worst of all, when ample evidence prove that Governments have deliberately been using bio-weapon a.k.a mRNA Vaccine to murder millions people for three years... but NOT A SINGLE dissident person dare to think of the word "revolt" , let alone actually dare to call for a revolution against the murderers! Self-preservation instinct has been erased from this human species' consciousness.

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