Real Sniping: Rapid Fire Edition Ep. 1

1 year ago

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I am the Proper Author, The Dollar Marauder, The Ammosexual Fodder Monster, your buddy ALLDAYSLAUGHTER and I'll bring y'all some gaming fun come H*** or high water. I'm the cheeky FNG, I'm green as grass, but I ain't got my head up my a** so come for the love, stay for the laughs, join the SLAUGHTER NATION and let's have a blast!

Capping TTVs & YTs like a newly minted coin collection and destroying the dreams of CDL prospects, fighting out of the red corner is the clinically insane, the nasty neurotic nuisance, the iron-pawed Grizzly, the one, the only, ALLDAYSLAUGHTER!!

Attention hackers...
How sad and pathetic is your life that you have to cheat at a video game to feel better about being you? Only cowards wall-hack. You've never earned a single frag, your stats are fraudulent and the only excuse you have to hack is because you cannot take me heads up. 18 years of competitive gaming and $1000 says you cant take me heads up without hacking. A challenge has been issued for hackers, let's see if they have the integrity to accept.

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