The Wild And Wicked 1956 | The Flesh Merchant 1956 | Vintage Exploitation Movies

1 year ago

Small town girl Nancy Sheridan arrives at the Hollywood bus station late at night and surprises her sister, Paula, at her apartment. Paula had written to her family that she works as a model, and is pleased to see Nancy until she learns that the rebellious girl wants to follow in her footsteps. Paula tries to dissuade Nancy, insisting that her life is a sham, but instead of taking a bus home the next morning, as Paula had hoped, Nancy goes to the art school where she believes Paula works. There, she uses the pseudonym Nancy Walker, and is immediately hired by the manager, Barnes. Nancy poses nude for a group of male art students, and afterward, owner Sogel offers her a job at a private club called The Colony. Nancy, attracted to Sogel's description of the club's wealthy and sophisticated clientele, follows his directions to a remote area outside the city, where she is met by club manager Vito Perrini. Sogel has warned Perrini, who has a reputation for brutality, not to harm Nancy. After Nancy arrives at the all-male club, Perrini instructs her to participate in all activities, regardless of their nature, and to treat the guests well. Nancy shares a room with a co-worker named Easy and, unaware that she will be working as a prostitute, naïvely explains that she is inexperienced, but hopes to marry one of the wealthy members. Nancy and Easy are then summoned to the pool, where numerous women are mingling with male club members. While Easy flirts with her regular, Jones, Nancy is introduced to Barker, who asks to photograph her under the trees. When Barker tries to kiss Nancy, she slaps him, runs to her room, and calls the vice squad. Nancy reaches Lieut. Buchinsky and tells him she is trapped at The Colony, but is forced to hang up when Perrini enters and strikes her for her behavior. Perrini advises Nancy that she has no choice but to accept her situation as their permanent employee, or lose her life. A humbled Nancy apologizes to Barker and, wearing only a nightgown, joins him in his room for a drink. In time, Nancy enjoys her situation, and gloats over the gifts she receives. However, her roommate Easy is resentful and chafes at their poor treatment and restricted life. One evening, a drunken Jones insults Easy and she slaps him and leaves the room. The next day, Perrini tells her she is being transferred to work at their skid row hotel downtown. When Easy protests, Perrini beats her unconscious. Sogel drives up as Perrini's assistant, Joker, carries Easy to the car. Annoyed that Perrini is abusing his staff, Sogel reassigns him to be the new manager of the downtown hotel, and instructs him to take Easy there. However, Perrini runs a stop sign along the way and is pursued by police. He leaves the car in a remote area and fires at the policemen, who kill him in the ensuing gunfight, and rescue Easy. The injured Easy tells Buchinsky about The Colony and her mistreatment, and the officer arranges for a raid that night. Sogel, meanwhile, has sent for Paula to replace Easy, and she is shocked to discover her sister there. A defiant Nancy claims to love her work and be treated well. Paula reveals that her own apartment is paid for by Sogel and Perrini, and warns Nancy that in reality, she has nothing of her own. Later that night, Sogel introduces Paula to a client named Smith, who is intoxicated. Disgusted by her her degraded situation, Paula loses her temper and screams at both the prostitutes and the men, and calls Sogel a "flesh merchant." When Nancy tries to help, Sogel drags out both of the women, intending to kill them, but is prevented when police raid the club and arrest Sogel and his gang.
Source - Wikipedia
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