Don’t be afraid to add the leaven (The Leaven Matthew 13:33-34)

1 year ago

Don’t be afraid to add the leaven (The Leaven Matthew 13:33-34)
If you google common mistakes when using yeast, there is an article by that lists what they believe the top 5 mistakes are. Their number one mistake may surprise you; they say the number one mistake when baking with yeast is being afraid to use it. That’s right they feel the benefits of using yeast far outweighs the complexity and issues that arise from using a recipe with it included. A lot of people think it will complicate their recipe too much, they will just mess it up or they are not a good enough baker to make it successful. When Jesus says that the leaven added to the dough will continue to grow and expand until the whole lump is leavened, He is showing us that for the Kingdom of Heaven to grow their must be something added to activate the growth process. This something, is not yeast in the spiritual but instead the Blood of Jesus Christ to the heart of those who call upon Him as Lord. Without this activation point the Kingdom can not grow in individuals lives the church can not grow on a global level as well.
We can’t be afraid of adding the leaven to our lives or sharing it in the lives of those in which we encounter. Just like in the baking process many people think accepting Jesus will make their life too complicated, they will mess it up like they have in the past, or they know they are not a good enough person to live it out. So, they choose to walk in the number one mistake of life, they choose to leave Jesus out instead of welcoming Him in to transform them. They are deceived by the enemy (Satan) into believing that they can make things work on their out without adding Jesus, that life is better without Jesus, or that Jesus does not exist at all. We have discussed many times over the course of this ministry that the Kingdom of God is like a set of dominos, if your domino for Jesus does not fall there could be an impact that is negatively felt for generations by your decision to simply not add Jesus to your life. The Kingdom of God and Heaven grows and expands as we pass it along to those in our lives and we must realize our decision to deny or refuse Jesus in our life’s effects so much more than just our own life. Future generations and souls impacted by our willingness to or unwillingness to allow Jesus to be the Lord of our Life.

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