2022 – year of opportunity

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1 year ago

2022 – year of opportunity
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Years turn, the same as the day turns. Every civilization has some kind of year-in-review observance. Roman consuls did (and in fact Rome designated its years with the names of the serving consuls, before Augustus). Naturally CNAV must take this time to review the year now passed, while (it seems) everyone else is still nursing eggnog (with or without alcohol) and preparing for the All-Nighter of the Year. And what a year has passed, indeed. We have the chance to make 2022 go down in history as the set-up for pivotal change. But that change will come about only if conservatives realize their opportunities.
2022 at CNAV itself
First, CNAV would like to review the changes it made. Toward the end of March we inaugurated our YouTube and Rumble channel, Declarations of Truth. With the takeover of, and seismic shift at, Twitter, Declarations of Truth opened an account there. Second, CNAV welcomed the sponsorship of OurSilverLines.com, whom we take great pride in endorsing.
This second one deserves special mention. The power behind the Oval Office (Ambassador Susan Rice), and the un-worthies both at Turtle Bay and Davos, Switzerland, are deliberately wrecking the Western economy, while prosecuting a proxy war against a civilization almost as old as China but with far better values and, we maintain, stronger staying power. Cryptocurrency has also gotten a nasty reputation, by reason of the Machiavellian machinations of one company. For those reasons, 2023 could be the year that the world ditches fiat money forever and re-embraces precious metals. (As Dmitri Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation, recently predicted on Telegram.) Anyone having any significant amount of cash should start now to find alternatives to the banking system. OurSilverLines.com is in fact a pioneer in this area, as well as being a prime source of precious metals (other than a mine). Visit them, and ask.
With that in mind, herewith the highlights – and lowlights – of 2022.
Midterms – opportunities wasted and fraud(s) exposed
Midterms 2022 turned out to be a disaster. But, you say, Republicans captured the House of Representatives! Did they really? And if so, does the Republican Party that “captured the House” deserve conservative support? This is the same Republican Party whose leaders:
• Could have captured as many as 100 seats in the House, but didn’t.
• Gave away the Senate and several State governorships, through inaction and refusal of funding.
• Vetted candidates by one criterion only: whether they would vote for current leadership. This is demonstrably, undeniably, dead-to-rights true of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), still Minority Leader. (Who whines worse than did Actor Peter Lorre portraying the cinematic villains you most loved to hate in his day.)
• Made no attempt to root out irregular and downright shady practices on the part of Democratic precinct captains and Democratic-affiliated Officers of Election and their supervisors. With the results we saw in Maricopa County, Arizona and elsewhere. (Kari Lake will appeal.)
The only gains the Republican Party made, State and local candidates made without National Committee help. That demonstrably includes the flipping of House districts in California and New York (!). It also includes Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) setting up a machine to solidify his control of the Florida legislature and put conservatives onto local Boards of Education. (Or will they merely be DeSantis loyalists? Laura Loomer has her doubts. After all he didn’t help her when she could have used his help.)
Year of the Groomers
2022 also saw the explosion of an unrepentant, even brazen child grooming campaign, the chief aim of which is to encourage as many children as possible to adopt alternative lifestyles and even to give their consent – without parental consent or even parental notice – to surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning. Among the chief aiders and abettors of this campaign were a group of mediocre male athletes who opted for this “treatment” in order to become star female athletes. Real female athletes protested this wholesale theft of their performance records. In reply, some colleges and universities told them they could no longer be athletes or even students there. And now the Scots have lowered the age of “consent” for such “treatment” to sixteen and won’t even require a note from a feel-good doctor willing to give them an excuse!
But this same Governor DeSantis has signed a bill to forbid teachers to groom their pupils in the earliest grades. When Florida’s biggest entertainment company threatened political and legal action, DeSantis:
• Told them to go pound sand, and then
• Revoked their status as an independent, semi-autonomous polity (the Vatican City of entertainment) effective June 1, 2023.
The Walt Disney Company has, furthermore, lost money on its most recent entertainment ventures. In fact they are no longer the leading producer of animated cartoons for children. (Universal now is.)
Other 2022 lowlights
Besides everything else, leftist governors in California, New York, Washington State, Oregon, and Michigan have doubled down on leftist ideology. We have seen bans on inexpensive transportation and a mass commutation of all capital sentences, among other outrages. The result has been a mass ex-migration from the States involved.
We also have seen the rise of an interstate secession movement as chiefly rural voters want to move out of their States and take their chief assets with them. Those assets happen to be their lands; hence movements to join neighboring States. Such movements might strike some as quixotic, considering the two obstacles to interstate secession (consent of the legislatures and consent of Congress). But such secession might require everyone’s support, if those “blue States” follow the lead of the Netherlands. That country recently confiscated three thousand farms and determines to let them lie fallow forever. If California, Oregon, and New York follow their lead, the dispute will be over more than taxation. It will be over whether Americans will have enough to eat.
To say nothing of the Mar-A-Lago Raid and That Speech by a President looking positively maniacal.
And now the highlights: the 2021 Supreme Court Term
But the highlights of 2022 involve the new opportunities conservatives will have – if they take them. First and foremost is the 2021 term of the Supreme Court of the United States. No doubt when Neil Gorsuch won confirmation to the Court early in Donald Trump’s term, conservatives might have felt they dodged a bullet (engraved with the name of Merrick Garland), but little other cause for enthusiasm. They paid closer attention to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, especially after Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) blubbed on the Senate floor about Merrick Garland not getting a vote. But the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, threw leftists into a panic. And, as it turned out, with good reason.
The Great Leak presaged the devastating (to the left) decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. But that was scarcely the only opportunity-granting decision this Court made. This Court:
• Struck down a “Blaine Law” in Blaine’s home State of Maine institutionalizing discrimination against people of faith. That decision opens the door to invalidate “Blaine Amendments” everywhere. (Carson v. Makin.)
• Struck down a century-old gun-control regime in the worst may-issue State in the country. (New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen.)
• Ditched the Lemon Test. (Kennedy v. Bremerton School District.)
• Reined in the Administrative State. (West Virginia v. EPA.)
The Twitter Wars and Files
When Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter, some people laughed, and others said, “Yeah, right.” Then he did it. Almost at once he fired Twitter’s executive echelon. Meanwhile, The Intercept revealed that Twitter and Facebook, to name two, had been State actors all this time. Then came the Twitter Files – ten revelations thus far that Twitter has indeed been a State actor. (And Facebook, too!) More to the point, we know how the Deep State turned all social media into their creatures. They encouraged key operatives to “resign” (at least one in pretended public disgrace) and then hire on at these companies.
We also know that the Deep State’s control of Twitter has come to an ignominious end (for the Deep State). Furthermore, we have the details. We have names, dates, and a record of their activities. The Deep State has thus suffered its worst security breach since the inauguration of President Trump.
Not only has Elon Musk promised more to come, but he pointedly promoted a new policy at Twitter.
To say nothing of a movie reference CNAV would never have expected him to make a year ago:
Clearly he’s furious. No one makes a statement like that, except one who realizes that his former allies have lied to him. And when such a disillusioned person commands a net worth in billions, and can do something about his disillusionment, that’s better for everybody.
As 2022 closes
This evening will see the usual New Year’s Eve parties, including the classical city-wide ones. But before we go out and celebrate (and CNAV recommends not taking alcohol!), let us reflect on our opportunities.
2022 did not actually conquer any new worlds. As CNAV said back in June, the fall of Roe v. Wade was our Monti La Difensa. The great battles lie ahead of us. Already at least one pro-life organization complains that people have stopped giving to the pro-life cause in the mistaken belief that, with Dobbs, that cause is won. But we will not win it until we can establish an absolute right to life everywhere.
That’s also the case with gun control and especially religious and other values-based education. Acting Governor Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) defiantly promulgated more gun-control legislation after Bruen. It’s as if she said, “Clarence Thomas has made his decision; now let him enforce it!” That’s why conservatives must take to the courts to press the advantages we now have.
“Taking to the courts” might also include suing social media companies for being State actors. As the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana are already doing. We must also pay attention to local races – and expect our candidates to press all the advantages the Supreme Court, and others, just gave us.
A multi-generational campaign curtailed our liberties. At least one generation might be necessary to reclaim them. So as The Ball drops at Times Square, conservatives must take care not to drop another ball.
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