Finding Your Tribe |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about finding your tribe and how to make friends.


- About our special guest: Sacha Lalla is a Women Empowerment Leader, speaker & coach, who helps successful women, who know they were meant for something bigger, take their life to the next level. Having successfully coached more than 300 people, Sacha has over 5 years experience in leading seminars, workshops and presentations to groups of up to 1000 people.
- When finding your tribe, you need to ask yourself what your motive is and why you want it in the first place. What are you looking for in friendships?
- Authenticity is the number one thing that make friendships work.
- Most people have many acquaintances in their lives and when we were kids, we learned how to interact with our playmates and associate ourselves with different groups. Finding your tribe is more complex than that.
- One of the biggest hindrances of building friendships is maintaining image and the projecting motives – people are usually in it because of business reasons.
- The number of friends and the quality of relationships you have does not dictate your value as a human being.
- The more you be yourself, the more people are going to love and want to make friends with you.
- Where you are is the location. In order to find the people you want to be intimate friends with, focus on your motives and emit that energy to everyone.
- Look for existing filtration systems. For example – workshops that talk about your interests and expertise.


There are 3 types of people who face challenges in finding their tribe:

1) People who are shy and find it difficult to initiate friendship – Shyness and introversion is one of the best qualities in building friendships. Start with giving compliments. Be honest and authentic with your intentions and where you’re coming from.
2) Environmental and geographical challenges. Meet new awesome people with the help of a tribe member and connect with them via email, Skype or social media.
3) People who don’t take action.


- Be conscious of the energy you radiate when finding your tribe. Ask for an honest feedback from your friends on how they feel about you being their friend.
- We have the ability to maintain friendships virtually. Anytime you’re free, make sure you are connecting regularly.
- A tribe isn’t just a set of friends. It’s more complicated than a one-on-one relationship.
- In the world of building tribes, look for different tribes that radiate different types of energy.

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