CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-- Part II The BRUNSON Brother's Lawsuit Before the Supreme Court by Ron GIbson

1 year ago

Constitutional Law—The Brunson Brother Case before the Supreme Court--Be Heard, Not Herded: Our 1st Amendment rights to Redress Our Grievances before the Court by Ron Gibson
December 28, 2022

The Supreme Court lawsuit brought by Raland Brunson and “We the People” to redress our grievances over the 2020 federal election is a challenge to the Constitution and its power in the united States of America. It is the Supreme Courts judiciary duty to uphold our Constitutional RIGHTS, to uphold their sworn oaths, and to take this lawsuit forward in favour of the people of the united States of America.

Congress did nothing when 338 of our 388 elected officials did not look into the complaints filed by nearly all, if not all the states, following the 2020 election due to concerns over election fraud.

The fourth branch of the government is the people, the Militia. And unless we stand up and assert our rights the atrocities will continue. Since 2002, since the electronic voting machines were introduced, according to Dr. Edwin Vieira, Constitutional Law professor, we have not had a lawful far and open and honest election. This lawsuit filed by Raland Brunson is about fair and open elections in the united States of America.

The Constitution states that “We the People” are guaranteed a Constitutional government. Holding this rogue government to their fiduciary duties is up to “We the People.!”

This Supreme Court case seeks that 388 elected Congressional Senators and House of Representatives be removed from office and that the president for violating their fiduciary duty, and that Donald Trump, be reinstated. There was a failure by Congress to take a 10 day window and through their fiduciary duty, and to look into the election results. But they did not. No investigation was made in spite of the complaints. 31 of the states sent in complaints for redress over the outcome of the election. "¾ of all the states committed a Constitutional Tort," says Constitutional lawyer, Ron Gibson. "Which is FRAUD, " he clearly states.

The state judges, who had no lawful authority to make a determination on the votes, did! This is un-Constitutional, and this lawsuit is holding these unlawful actions by elected members of our federal government open to the light, and challenging them based upon the First Amendment—the Right to redress government.

The Brunson brothers, in the name of “We the People,” are suing to remove the security breach of Congress, who refused to do their sworn duty, to protect us from foreign and domestic terrorists. This petition for redress of greivances, the 1st Amendment of the national Constitution, is before the Supreme Court, the most powerful court in America. Never before has the Supreme Court been tasked with more power than today. They have the power to purge the entire Congress, to enforce the full meaning of Article VI, Sections 2 & 3, to uphold their sworn oath of office to guarantee the Constitutionally secured rights for the peope, and to hold the national Constitutional as the supreme Law of the Land.

In the errors committed by Congress, essentially Congress said that we’re not responsible to the people. Let us watch this unfold.

Even the mainstream media has swept this under the rug.

ACTION: write your letter in support of the Brunson lawsuit to the Supreme Court:
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20543
Attention: 9 Supreme Court Justices

I express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No.: 22-380.

Your Name, address

CC: Brunson brothers

Send a copy of this letter addressed to: Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd., Apt. 132, Ogden, Utah 84403. They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks.

For more videos on this Supreme Court case:

Ron Gibson
541 621 5548

Join Ron at his land patent seminar in person or on zoom:
January 20, 2023, Colorado City, Arizona

To reach Kathleen Dudley

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