Get 2 Billion Dollars From Strangers Doing These Few Steps with Brad Blazar

1 year ago

Join Esteban Andrade and guest Brad Blazar, former CEO of a small oil company, as they discuss the steps to raising capital from investors to build and scale a business. Brad believes that everybody desires to do something bigger in life but is curtailed by the lack of money. So today, he teaches people how to attract capital and use other people's money. He shares that raising capital can be applied to almost any business in any industry. Once you learn how to attract to raise funds from investors, you're able to accelerate your business, and you're able to do things much faster and go much further than you would if you were able to do it alone. It's all about building trust, building a relationship with a prospective investor, and communicating the opportunity on how they will make money with you. There's more to unpack in this episode. So tune in to know more!

Here's what to look forward to in today's episode:

• The one thing that's holding people back from living the bigger dream
• The four-step blueprint for building trust.
• What does a pitch deck look like?
• How to raise money from investors
• How can people use social media to get attention from investors?
About Brad Blazar:

Formerly the CEO of a small oil company, Brad is a highly sought-after speaker on the subject of raising capital. Having raised in excess of $2 Billion, today he mentors others around the world as part of a global coaching business on how to raise funds from high net worth investors to build, buy, and scale a business – or fund a special project like real estate.

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