He Learned to Cope with a Dreadful Disease - What Love Means Ep. 60 with Heather Thomas Van Deren

2 years ago

Heather Thomas Van Deren is excited to share this episode with you! Our video series, entitled "What Love Means" is reaching people! This sixtieth story marks our five year anniversary! Guest Shelton Stewart is a man who many would consider as living a relatively calm life with little to no tragic events. However, when you listen closely you will find a man with inner strength that many of us desire as we navigate life's roads. Often times we find ourselves tending to our loved ones whose lives HAVE been affected by tragic events. This topic covers dementia, which family and friends in all walks of life have experienced. Perhaps Shelton's words will encourage you today, no matter how this dreaded disease may have crept into your life. Welcome to What Love Means!

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