Czencz Janos - Paintings (1885 - 1960)

2 years ago

János Czencz (Ostffysszonyfa, September 2, 1885 – Szekszárd, January 12, 1960) painter. After graduating from the Győr Teacher Training College, he taught in Bihar county. Between 1907-12, László Hegedűs and Edvi Illés Aladár were masters at the Academy of Fine Arts, and in 1912, Tivadar Zemplényi at the Art Academy.

Between 1935-44, he lived in the Artists' Colony on Százados út, then before the war he moved to his holiday home in Bátá. He was a member of the Workers' Guild.

He mainly painted attractive portraits of life and landscapes. A significant part of his works were still life, nudes and female portraits. He depicted his female figures in richly colored clothes, often in folk costumes, in a materially detailed manner. He was greatly influenced by István Csók, his nudes placed between colorful curtains testify to this. His landscapes captured the details of the Danube bank, as well as views of Báta and Szekszárd.

He exhibited his first important painting in 1913 in the Műcsarnok, titled Before the Mirror.

Between 1918-31 he was co-director of several exhibitions.

Some of his works are owned by the Hungarian National Gallery.

In 2013, an art album was published, presenting his life and work in Hungarian, English and German, with nearly 500 photos of his works. Authors of the book: art historian Mimi Kratochwill, dr. Art writer Balázs Feledy, Bélán Fertőszögi, Róbert Schuller, photo and editing Gizella Rühl.

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