29 12 22 MIRACLE HEALING SERVICE - The Preeminence Above the Vax

2 years ago

Colossians 1:18 Authorized (King James) Version
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

STRONGHOLD EXPOSED - they looked to one branch of science and failed; they looked to one branch of the pharmaceutical industry and failed failing to seek god, failing to recognize the stripes of Jesus Christ instead choosing the foetal cell lines of aborted children.

The result = DEATH, no end of vaccine injuries and deaths whereas those who trusted God instead of the vaccine do not have the stripes of Satan within them but the protection of the blood of Jesus - there is, however a way out for the repentant vaccine taker!

ECCTV.ORG for Stewardship and PAYPAL BUTTONS on the footer - Cheques written to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES", 23-27 George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS.

Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.

Love to hear from you ....... ecctv4219@gmail.com

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