Bonus Episode 4 – BRAVE and THRIVING: Natural Medicines & Protocols that Bulletproof Your Health

1 year ago

Brave Reloaded - Bonus Episode 4 – BRAVE and THRIVING: Natural Medicines & Protocols that Bulletproof Your Health

When you watch this episode, you'll:

- Discover why the body's God-given ability to grow back skin and teeth CAN also help you deal with spike proteins – if you support the body with the right nutrient
- The delicate importance of gut health to your heart and brain health (all three are connected!)
- A list of foods that are guaranteed to cause (and encourage) inflammation in the blood and tissues
- Home-based strategies for breaking down (and preventing) blood clots
- Organic anticoagulant foods you must eat that attack micro-clots and break them down
- Dr. Vliet's favorite secret food that's tasty and insanely healthy! (It supplies your gut microbiome with billions of healthy gut bacteria that attack mycotoxins!)
- How 'silent' mouth infections are an overwhelming reason why most people stay sick
- And much more!


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