SEA YOU HOME: US Coast Guard Rescues One Person, Two Dogs From Canadian Waters

2 years ago

This is the heart-warming moment a person and two dogs get rescued by the US Coast Guard via helicopter offshore Canada.

The images show the helicopter crew rescuing the person and one of the dogs off a grounded sailboat in what appears to be the middle of the night.

And as morning came, so did the rescue of the second dog, which was found near the sailing vessel.

In the video, the soaked pup can be seen getting slowly airlifted while placed in a large carrier and being carefully boarded onto the helicopter.

The footage was obtained by Newsflash from the US Coast Guard, along with a statement that said: "A Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrew rescued the person and a dog from a grounded sailing vessel offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

"Later that morning, the aircrew located another dog near the vessel and transferred it to the Canadian Coast Guard Station in Victoria, British Columbia."

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