Before Abraham, was I Am | Patriarchs

2 years ago

The placement of a single can make one of the most clear and explicit verses in the Bible into one of the most confusing and misunderstood verses.

In John 8:58, the character of Jesus is directly referring to the name of God, which was revealed to Moses as "I Am."

He is pointing out that "I Am" is the foundation of all awareness, and that before you can be aware of any thing, you first require "I Am."

Putting the comma after "was" and saying "before Abraham was, I Am" evokes a mystical feeling.

But this mysticism is exactly what the character of Jesus in the verse is explaining away.

Jesus is the personification of the total awareness of being all things, which is "I Am," in an individual mortal human.

Jesus is the state of realization that the personal "I Am" exists within and is the creative source behind every individual, is identical to the "I Am" that is God the Father and the creator of all things.

The comma belongs after "Abraham," and the correct translation is "before Abraham, was I Am."

Before the identification of Abraham and the awareness of being Abraham, was the identification and awareness itself, which is "I Am."

The "I Am" that exists in every individual is identical to and existed before even Abraham existed.

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