Are There Aliens in the Bible?

2 years ago

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Are we alone in the universe? With over 700 quintillion planets, are we the ONLY sentient beings?
The little question has perplexed and confounded humans for centuries. The natural curiosity of man leads him to speculate about such ideas. As Carl Sagan put it, “Space exploration leads directly to religious and philosophical questions.” The ideas of God, aliens, and UFOs all spring from the same well. If you happen to turn on the television at night or traverse the weird corners of the internet, you are bound to come across plenty of conspiracy theories about alien races that live among us, unidentified space vehicles that carry out surveillance under cover of the night, and much more. It might seem like this is a relatively new phenomenon. “The ancients were busy foraging and surviving; they would not have had time to lay back and spot UFOs,” you might think. Well, even though that seems like a plausible argument, the reality is far from it.

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