After the Great Tribulation, Rapture occurs, followed by Gods Wrath upon those who made Tribulation

1 year ago

The Post trib Rapture in 1 & 2 Thessalonians & The Heresy of Dispensationalism Darby & Scofield

Jewish born again testimonies & teachings
A mistaken view.... "Preludes to Antichrist Charles Lawson The error of the 'Pre-Trib rapture' & Scofield reference bible"

Jesus is the first prophet we listen to, and there are no verses supporting a pre trib rapture and also

We do know the day and the hour (no man know'eth the day or the hour but verse 29 says After) occurs after the Great tribulation, just before Gods wrath is poured out in fire on those who are bringing the Great tribulation.

Further events follow the feasts Yeshua died on Passover, laid in the tomb on unleavened bread, rose on first fruits. The Holy spirit came on pentecost / shavuot. Yeshua was born in the Autumn feasts and he returns on the feast of Trumpets. All followed by the MARRIAGE FEAST IF THE LAMB.

The Celts and Scandinavians and many eu nations and Russia are descended from MAGOG & GOG and so are Americans !

see also

Bible Prophecy in Ezekiel 38 & 39 & Rev 20 (Gog & Magog) Preached by Pastor Steven Anderson

Revelation 11 & Zechariah 4.The 2 Witnesses ? the 2 Houses of Israel & the Post Tribulation rapture

Magogs decendants alive today (see below) 1. Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38 & 39 and on Youtube

2. Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38 & 39

The Gog Magog Hills are a range of low chalk hills, extending for several miles to the southeast of Cambridge in England. and also here again

Celtic tribes descended from Magog (see also chapter 2 )

See also the incredible work by Bill Cooper "After the Flood" (and Genesis 10) which took 30 years to compile by entomology. The reason this is relevant concerns the Kings list here which shows the Irish, Scottish and British Royal lines from MAGOG In it the bible verse at In Ezekiel 21 verses 26-27 it says "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him." The research is confirmed by 30 years of study from University lecturer Bill Cooper and his book After the flood which traces all the King lists of European nations including Celts, Anglo - Saxons, Jutes, Friesians, Danish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and the Eight shires of England (Heptarchy) (see here also again ) and wider. An exhaustive entomological puzzle pieced together over decades. e.g. The Irish King lists and the Anglo-saxon lists

British Tribes descended from Magog

(see PDF )

The British are descended through the Nedemian line (Nemedius- Macha – Fergus Leathdhearg- Briation- Maol = British, Nemedian or Nemid's name means 'sons of heaven' ) the Scottish Picts are descended through Partholan and Cruinthne (for both of these lines see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the PDF above) The Picts settled north Scotland as named by the ScYthians (Scots) whilst Briation- Maol settled south Scotland (now known as England) and became the British. Britain spoke Welsh which is known as 'P-Celtic' orBrythonic Celtic shared with the Cornish and Breton people still spoken in Brittany today. Saxon (the sons of Isaac as Isaacsons) built Celtic forts in Germany and wider into Switzerland.

see video "Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones" and Ezekiel 37,1- 10 is interpreted by Gd for you in the next verses following 37,10. The interpretation is given by Gd. And this is the pre-requisite and next stage of Ezekiel 37, 18 – 20. Read the whole of Ezekiel and the condemnation of the worship of idols which is a central theme of Gds displeasure. Ezekiel 1 also gives an insight into Gds vast army see video The Four Faces (Ezekiel 1) The inspiration for the Book of Kells

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