Sexual Trauma Healing Workshop - May 7th 2022 - With Elle, Joe, and Sydney

2 years ago

For more details and signup information, visit

If you have specific questions that are not answered in either the video or on the calendly page, please kindly reach out to Elle at

From our Calendly signup page:
Guess what! This last workshop went so well that I've made the decision to host it again, except this time I have a little surprise for you ... Sydney Richeson and Joe Fortin will be joining us to bring their unique perspectives to healing sexual trauma!

Joe has spent many years researching, teaching and coaching people through sexual trauma and its effects on the internal world and body. Next, I will guide us through a session of emotional awareness training to assist in connecting with the body safely. Finally (certainly not least) Sydney is a masterful coach who loves to combine several healing modalities into her classes. She has prepared a 90 minute routine consisting of the fascial maneuvers, bioenergetic techniques and qigong.

This is for you if ...

You desire to have healthy romantic partnerships in your future
You are looking to release past trauma, desire to grow from that, and receive guidance on how to move forward.
You have experienced sexual trauma or you know someone who has
You want to work with people and help them to move through sexual trauma. You can use this knowledge and these techniques in your own business
You are ready to release all past traumas from your mind, body and soul
You desire to have a safe space and develop further community in this healing process

This is workshop includes:

Education and shared resources on the spiritual, emotional and mental effects of sexual trauma with Joe
Emotional awareness training and Center Point Meditation with Elle
90 minute movement routine to release trauma from the body with Sydney ***(This routine will include a unique combination of fascial maneuvers, bioenergetic techniques and QiGong)

Elle's Social Media Pages and Website:
Instagram: @MyVitaminL
TikTok: @ElleHumanGarage
Facebook: My Vitamin L or Elle Honeycutt

Sydney's Social Media Pages
Instagram: @SympleSynergy
TikTok: Sydney.HumanGarage
Link Tree:



Sign up to LBRY:$/invite/@joefortin1111:6

BitChute Signup:
Referral code: joefortin

Healing and Mentoring Sessions:
NOTICE: To book a session, you must email me, the booking services on my website are down.

Contact Joe Fortin:

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