Trusting the Lord with Everything - 7th of 7 Last Words (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Thursday Bible Study Preaching on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross - 7 of 7
April 21 2022

Trusting the Lord with Everything
Text: Luke 23:46-47; Psalms 31

46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said,
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:
and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
47 Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God,
saying, certainly this was a righteous man.

Historical Jesus – trustworthy account

- to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence:
e.g. I commend my child to your care.
- to entrust, especially for safekeeping; commend:
e.g. to commit one's soul to God.

to Trust is to Believe

1. We can trust Him because...
a. He's dependable as a rock - He's strong - vv. 2,3,4
b. He is of the Truth - in fact He is Truth - Jn. 14:6, v.5
- contrasted in hate of liers- v. 6
c. He knows us - v.7
d. He Is Our God. - v.14; Heb. 1:8; Jn. 1:1
e. He is Merciful - vv. 7, 9, 16 - other verses
f. He is Good - v. 19
g. He is Kind - v. 21
2. We can trust Him even in the worst of circumstances.
a. being secretly targeted by enemies. - v.4
b. harassment - "pangigipit". v.8
c. intense grief. v. 9
d. torment caused by own sins - v.10
e. isolation - vv.11,12
f. lost reputation - v.13

3. Trusting and its Fruits
a. not be ashamed - v.1
b. we have defense in the Lord, preservation - vv. 2,3, 20
c. Lord's guidance - v. 3
d. Gladness and Rejoicing - v.7
f. Freedom - v.8
g. the Lord is known to us - v.16
4. Love is the ultimate form of Trusting. - v.23


We can trust the Lord Jesus to deliver our souls from hell.
We can trust the Lord with everything and anything.
Trust the Lord and He will be glorified in us.

Formerly: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission

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