Emily is lost in the woods | Short Horror Story

1 year ago

It was a dark and stormy night, and young Emily found herself lost in the dense woods that surrounded her small town. She had been out for a hike, trying to clear her head after a particularly difficult day at school, but she had taken a wrong turn and now had no idea how to get back home.

As the rain pounded down around her, Emily huddled under a tree and tried to calm her racing thoughts. She knew she needed to keep moving if she was going to have any chance of finding her way out of the woods, but she was terrified to venture out into the darkness.

Just as she was mustering up the courage to set out again, she heard a strange noise behind her. It sounded like something scratching at the tree trunk, and Emily spun around, heart racing.

To her horror, she saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her through the rain. They seemed to be attached to some kind of creature, but Emily couldn't make out any details in the darkness. All she knew was that she needed to get away from whatever it was.

She turned and fled, tripping and stumbling through the underbrush as she tried to outrun the creature. She could hear it gaining on her, its claws scraping against the ground as it chased her through the woods.

Just when she thought she couldn't run any further, Emily burst out of the trees and found herself in a clearing. She collapsed to the ground, panting and sobbing with fear.

As she looked up, she saw a faint light in the distance. It looked like a house, and Emily knew she had to reach it if she was going to survive the night. She stumbled to her feet and made her way towards the light, her entire body shaking with terror.

But as she approached the house, she realized that it was abandoned and derelict. The windows were broken and the door hung off its hinges. It was clear that no one had lived there for years.

Emily was about to turn and run when she heard a voice behind her. "Come inside," it whispered. "I'll keep you safe."

She turned to see a figure standing in the doorway, its face shrouded in darkness. Emily didn't know if she could trust it, but she knew she couldn't stay outside with the creature that was still chasing her.

She took a deep breath and stepped inside the house, praying that whatever awaited her inside would be better than what she had left behind.

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