How long does it take to make money as a real estate investor?

1 year ago

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Good question.

This depends on several factors. Rather than giving an exact answer, I will mention a few things you can do to decrease the amount of time it takes to make money.

The first and most important thing is to get more education. Many new investors don’t succeed since they have a deal that is right in front of them but since they only know one technique like wholesale real estate they can’t think of any other ways to make money on the deal like subject to purchase or short sale.

The more you know about how to structure transactions, the more ways you will have to make money on a real estate deal.

A good starting point would be to get more education. If you would like to learn more about investing and other related topics, just go to If you would like to meet more investors and lenders, you also can go to the free Sunday weekly meeting held on Zoom for Benjamin Z Miller’s Investor Networking Group.

The other thing that will help you is to focus on networking. You need to constantly be networking with other successful investors. A lot of times if you are missing one ingredient in your deal whether that be money or people or some other factor you won’t be able to make any money. For that reason, the stronger your network is, the easier it is to obtain capital or to find someone to flip a wholesale deal to.

New investors often spend too much time looking for deals and not enough time networking and looking for money. It is important that you have a good balance in your looking for money and deals. The majority of your time should be spent looking for money and deals. Don’t make the mistake of only looking for deals.

You should each week meet with 2 or 3 potential new partners or lenders that might become an asset for you in the future when you have the right deal.

If you combine education, a positive attitude, and a strong work ethics, with a Benjamin Z Miller quality network you will be able to succeed! Take action and start coming to the free Sunday weekly meeting held on Zoom for Benjamin Z Miller’s Investor Networking Group.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

#learntoinvest #benjaminzmiller #realestatewholesaletips

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