Unplugging From The MATRIX. The World Is starting to WAKE UP

2 years ago

Wake up NOW, before it's too late... @gringoguides

Follow Jaren: YT @gringoguides
1-on-1 coaching: https://menshrine.com
IG → https://www.instagram.com/jarenscott/

→ Learn how to wake up from matrix of addiction. Download my FREE "How To Get Sober In 2023" PDF Guide 👇🏽

00:00: Intro
00:00 Wall-e was right!
0:51: Humans weren’t meant to consume at the rate we do today
1:24: What does being “plugged in” mean?
3:24: What was Jaren’s waking up moment

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2231994
Official Website: https://sobriety-university.com

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